Tachograph calibration
Our Tachograph Testing Service
Our sites at Manchetts Peterborough, Sleaford and Newmarket are Approved Tachograph Centres (ATC). We supply local HGV and PSV operators with calibrations, reseals, repairs and replacements. Operating on extended opening hours, we offer a service that is convenient to your needs.
To find out more about these and other commercial vehicle services,
Call Peterborough 01733 560591
Call Newmarket 01638 674487
Call Sleaford 01529 416231
Analogue tachographs:
Must be calibrated and sealed by an approved calibration centre and checked every two years then recalibrated every six years.
Digital tachographs:
Need to be Calibrated every two years and after any repair or if the vehicle registration number changes. If the UTC is out by more than 20 minutes or after an alteration to the circumference of the tyres or characteristic coefficient.
We are VOSA approved and service analogue, digital and smart tachographs, on all makes of vehicles.
Contact 01733 560591 to discuss your requirements or email servicepb@manchetts.co.uk